Marcel Adamou


Marcel Adamou is a Greek-American actor who appeared in the HBO-produced television series D.J.A.T. that premieres on September 19th at 11 p.m. on HBO. He has also appeared in numerous commercials for companies in his native Greece that include an advertising campaign for Coca-Cola, an AdDuplex commercial, and a spot for the French company Carrefour that aired during the Olympics in 2004 when the Olympic games were held in Athens. He is a co-founder of the actor and model agency Loma.

As for their character, I guess you can safely speculate that this is the same team or maybe a few of them.

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Tags: Bruno Stathakis, Chris O’Dowd, D.J. A.T., D.J. A.T., D.J.A.T., Chris O’Dowd, Dinella, Emmanuel Saez, Ioan Pescador, Marcel Adamou, Mike Tyson, Nicolas Cage, Nicolas Cage, Nicolas Cage, Nicolas Cage, Nico-Nicolas Cage, Phillip Dang, Phillip Dang, The Wire, Vassilis Valkosian, Wim Wenders

Marcel Adamou

Location: Beijing , China
Company: Edeka Zentrale
